Old to New Concrete Mortar
When a concrete floor surface becomes damaged there is usually the choice of either demolishing the floor and starting again, or resurfacing the existing concrete. Removing the entire floor and re-pouring is costly, both financially and in terms of time. It’s also wasteful if the floor is still structurally sound. One solution is to add fresh concrete on top of the old surface.
If an existing concrete surface has laitance (a dusty layer of cement and fine aggregates), or has been contaminated with spillages such as oil or grease, then the bonding agent won’t work well. Surface preparation is absolutely vital to ensure that the bonding agent is applied to a sound concrete surface. If there are spillages which have seeped into the floor’s surface, grinding or milling may be necessary to remove the top few millimetres of the existing floor’s surface to get down to clean concrete.